Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Podcasts from PBS
Last night the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer brought a segment on iPods (Online NewsHour: Apple's Ipod is a Technological Phenomenon -- May 15, 2006 (RealAudio)). Are they divisive? Do they isolate people? Or do they result in even more community?

A very recent convert to MP3 conference downloads, I'm still jumping with joy at attending conferences worldwide whilst driving down I70 weeks after the conference closed up. Probably prattled on about it 5 times last week alone.

So of course my reaction to the broadcast piece on iPods was, "can I get a podcast of the story on podcasts?" Naturally.

Indeed, since we last looked, PBS has seriously upgraded its podcast feeds. The big list is here:
Podcasts from PBS
And of special interest to us:

American Experience
Encounter the people and events that have shaped a nation.

* http://www.pbs.org/amex/rss/podcast_pb.xml

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow
A documentary about segregation from the end of the Civil War to the dawn of the modern civil rights movement

* http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/rss/podcast.xml
Listen to first-hand accounts by people who experienced, endured, and survived Jim Crow.
Texas Ranch House
A living history series in which modern-day adventurers are transplanted to a Texas ranch in the year 1867.

* http://www.pbs.org/wnet/ranchhouse/rss/podcast.xml
Watch videos of the ranchers in action.

Download weekly episodes in MP3 audio format.

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