Sunday, March 02, 2008

Happy Birth Day Common Core
(OK, I stole the lead from Education Gadfly.)

So, a year ago, we reported here as being bedside, so to speak, at the conception of a new organization. The goal was an "advocacy" organization to support basic learning of history, art, music, and more. This procreation occurred on the deck of the Washington Hotel, looking out over the White House south lawn, and we were enjoying bit of wine and cheese after a fairly rigorous day of MOVING BEYOND THE BASICS Why reading, math, and science are not sufficient for a 21st century education

After a year under the wing of the Fordham Foundation, the search for a board, director, and staff, Common Core is now born.

More on their first study later, but for now a word on their website: If they're aiming for the support of the snobby New York Times crowd, they've hit the design in spades. Hmmm, wasn't it the snobby New York Times crowd that got us in this predicament?

(Yes, I have a bit of time--could probably help them out).

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