Sunday, January 20, 2008

Please Hang a Spammer
Should you wander over to the wiki this week, you'll find that most pages have been protected against editing. Our friends the spammers have been irritating enough over the past two years, but its just become to constant to manage. In the past month, nearly every page has been spammed with rather vile links, many four, five, and more times over. Most are attempts to get you do download a fake media viewer, and most sport rather un-family labels.

So, we had to protect the pages. If you want to edit, just email, and likety-split, you'll be good to go. For the longer term, we're looking at several options. A wiki was never really what we wanted anyway, and there may be a better way to do this. Or, a new platform, or maybe just some mods to the current one. Ideas? Let us know!

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